
Monday, 15 February 2016

Half day at the Cotswold Water Park

Valentine's Day at the water park.

Today saw us at the water park for a morning tour.

We started at 09:00 in glorious sunshine and soon found a large group of Red crested pochard on our first lake looking splendid in the bright sunlight.

On our next lake we found several groups of Wigeon and Teal feeding around the edge of the lake with a nice pair of Goldeneye out in the middle.

Moving on around the park we soon located a pair of Goosander whilst watching several herons carrying sticks up to their nesting trees.

Several Buzzards were on the wing making the most of the fine conditions with a few Redwing moving over head also.

Moving onto a couple of the smaller lakes in the area we found a pair of Smew a very special duck that seems to favour the water park as its winter home in total three birds were seen two males and a female.

Following our steps back both Green and Great spotted woodpecker were seen along with Reed bunting and Lapwing.

As time was getting on we head back to our final lake to see if the Great northern diver was still present which has been in the park for the last month or so, as it turned out it was very easy to find as it was the only bird on the water giving some fantastic views as it dived for food.

Another very rewarding morning spent in the water park with two very enthusiastic guests. DT

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